Monday, March 23, 2009

Update on the issues with Don and his kids!

OK, so here is the latest news! We got a letter from the kids attorney, well more of a response to the ex's motion to delay Don's time....the kids attorney said in short that she's in the wrong and that the delay should not happen, and Don should have his kids. AMAZING!! Then...YES there is MORE good news! Ok, so the ex wife said that Don could have kids over spring break on his days off...knowing her, we didn't get our hopes up! BUTTTTTT, YEAH she is actually letting us have them from Wednesday morning till later Thursday night!! FINALLY!! But still we are not getting our hopes up for this parenting thing to soon!!! We can hope and pray! Only God knows what's in store! I just hope that the good things keep coming, Don is really lovin it!


Unknown said...

That has to be hard. Why do the kids have there own lawyer?

The Engstrom's said...

Don's ex-wife wanted them to have there own lawyer. She thought it would be better some how. The good thing is that it helps the kids in the right situation! Rather than each of them having there own attorney looking out for just the parents. The kids come first!